Box Jumping on Wednesday Afternoons
Happy Friday! This is Luke tuning in with another CrossFit update for the week. This has been one of my busiest weeks of college this year. I know I said that last week too, but I swear that every week gets busier as we progress throughout the year. I spent last weekend at my desk studying and grinding for three tests on Tuesday. This was not the most ideal way to spend my weekend, but I can confidently say that my hard work paid off on my tests! There is nothing more rewarding than working your butt off on studying and getting all the grades back that you wanted. This analogy ties very well into CrossFit as well. You begin the workout, push your body to the limits, and by the end you are very satisfied with what you just accomplished. I am going to talk about this past 'Workout Wednesday' because that was the hardest workout we did this week. Like I said in my first blog, Workout Wednesdays are always partnered workouts, which makes it pretty fun but also twice as hard....