Rowing Through Workout Wednesday

Happy Friday! This is Luke here tuning in to tell you about my favorite CrossFit workout this week. One of my favorite days of the week at CrossFit is Wednesdays. The reason I look forward to this mid-week workout is because it is always a partner workout day. This means that you get to do the workout with one of your friends and incentivizes you to work in a team setting. Out of my friend group at Baylor, I am the only one in my group that goes to CrossFit workouts. This has gotten me to broaden my friend range and make new friends through group workouts at the gym for the past few years. 

This past Wednesday's workout was great. For starters, I would like to mention that I was pretty stressed and tired before I went to the gym that day. With the school year well on its way (as its Mid-September now), there is a lot of pressure to complete projects, study for exams, and to engage in all of the extracurriculars that comes along with being a college student. This was a day in particular where I was trying to find any excuse to just lay down and take a nap instead of getting dressed to go use the rowing machine at the gym. Thankfully, I stayed motivated and reaped the benefits of getting my body active and releasing endorphins. To me, there is nothing that matches stress-relief like finishing a hard exercise. 

As I promised, here is the workout that we completed: 

Primer/Beginning of the workout:

6 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible):

  • 3 Body Squats 
  • 5 Medicine Ball Throws 
  • Row 7 Calories on the Rowing Machine
  • 9 PVC Pipe Pass Stretches
Conditioning/Main Workout:

Partner - Trade Movements - 20 Minute AMRAP:
  • Row 15 Calories on the Rowing Machine
  • 15 Medicine Wall Balls 
  • 15 Sit-Ups 
Finishing Workout:

3 Rounds:
  • 1 Minute Plank
  • 30 second Flutter Kicks
As you can tell by looking at the workout of the day, this was a big cardio day. This is a little unusual because there are usually more kettle bells, weights, or barbells integrated into the workout. Yet, these types of workouts are my favorite in CrossFit. I love doing cardio because it gets my body loose and ultimately gets rid of my stress. The most important parts of this workout was the focus of the rowing machine and the medicine wall balls. For those of you who do not know what a rowing machine is, it is a simulation of rowing a boat on the water. You know how tiring it can be to row a boat on the water and how sore it can make you the next day. This machine is designed to get you just as fit as if you were on the water rowing. 

On top of burning out your arms, chest and legs on the rowing machine, the wall ball throws add to this experience as well. In simple terms, you grab a 15-20 pound medicine ball (a very large ball) and throw it to a certain point on the wall. When the ball comes down, you catch it into a squat. You use the power of your legs in the squat position to drive up and throw the ball against the wall once again. 

This workout had me exhausted afterwards. Yet, this is one of the most rewarding feelings for me because it makes me feel very productive and I know how hard I worked to accomplish the workout. It eased my tension and stresses of school and gave me a break from my school desk to go get moving. This workout turned my day around completely and I am so glad that I motivated myself to go do the workout. This is only one of the CrossFit workouts I did during the week, but it was the most important one. Wednesdays partner workout was proof of how well CrossFit can help you de-stress and take a productive break during the school week. 

Thanks for reading. See you next week with a new workout and story!

