Toes-To-Bar Tuesdays at Train Waco

                                              The Kipping Toes-to-Bar - YouTube

 Hello there! Are you as excited as I am that it is almost the weekend? I don't know about you, but this has been one of the busiest weeks have had in my three years of college so far... Yikes! I will spare you all of the little details on why my week has been so busy, but I have to say that Business Law is no joke of a class. 

My favorite CrossFit workout of the week was on Tuesday. I believe that this was my favorite day to workout because it was my busiest day. I started off my morning with a Business Law Exam at 9:30 and had two presentations in the afternoon. By the end of the day, I was very tired and a little stressed out from my day. On top of my plethora of schoolwork this week, I have also had a lot of obligations in my extracurriculars. I run a couple different social media accounts for some organizations at Baylor and I had to spend quite a bit of time this week of Adobe InDesign, which can be very time consuming. Needless to say, CrossFit was most definitely the biggest stress reducer of this week. 

Here is Tuesday's Workout: 

Primer/Beginning of the Workout:

3:00 Minute Row 

Then 2 Rounds:

  • 3 Strict Pull-ups 
  • 5 Kip Swings
  • 7 Hollow Body Rocks
  • 3 Lunge to Handstand 
Strength Portion of the Workout: 

16:00 EMOM (Every-Minute-On-the-Minute) 
  1. 5-10 Strict Toes-to-Bar (TTB)
  2. 8 Pendlay Rows 
  3. 6 Half-Kneeling Presses (Per Side)
  4. Rest for one minute 

3 Rounds for Time:
  • 30 Calorie Row
  • 15 Handstand Pushups 
  • 7 Muscle-Ups
Similarly to my favorite workout last week, this workout implemented a lot of cardio with body weight training. I think I liked this workout the most because of how much I was able to get my heart rate up and sweat. While lifting weights is how you gain muscle mass, you can tone your body just as well through pushups, pull-ups, kip swings, etc. While I do like strict weight training in the gym, there is something about grinding through an increased heart-rated CrossFit workout that feels so rewarding by the time you finish. 

The warmup to this workout got me sweating pretty fast and got me ready for the strength part of the workout. My favorite part of the warmup was doing the lunge into a handstand. I love working on my handstands because they are super fun to work on and are very great for increasing core & arm strength. 

By the time I left this workout, I was so exhausted that I felt like I could fall asleep on the yoga mats in the CrossFit gym, but that is what my goal is every time I go to class. I like pushing myself to my limits because I believe it is the best way to give thanks for our health, bodies and wellbeing as humans. I think this is a great way of helping to 'ground' myself and focus on the things that really matter as well. I wasn't feeling super confident after taking my Business Law class, and I had to go exercise and do something I love to realize that one test isn't going to 'make or break' my life. I'm thankful that I have exercise to help readjust my mindset on busy and stressful days. 

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for next week!

