Pull-Ups and Power Snatches on Friday Afternoons

 The Hang Snatch - YouTube

TGIF! Hello readers, I hope everyone is just excited for the weekend as I am. This week has been pretty laid back in comparison to last week which is nice. Most people have been taking their midterms this week, but I took all of mine last week. It seems like my test scheduling has been almost opposite to most of my friends as they have been grinding hard on studying this week while I have gotten to take a bit of a break and catch up on some stuff. 

Having some time off this week has allowed me to go to more CrossFit classes than I usually do. This afternoon, I went to CrossFit and it was my favorite workout of the week, so I will be running you guys through today's workout of the day. What I liked about today's workout in comparison to Monday and Wednesday was that it was not a partner workout. It is fun to have a partner to complete the workouts sometimes, but I also just like doing things at my own pace sometimes.

Today's workouts involved a lot of barbells. We did lots of power snatches, deadlifts, and overhead squats. It was definitely a full-body workout with lots of weight lifting from legs to arms. What I also enjoyed about this workout is that there was still cardio implemented into it. We warmed up using the rowing machine today which always gets me sweating and my heart rate elevated. I believe this is one of the best ways to get your body warmed up for a workout regardless if you are going to CrossFit or not. 

Here was today's workout:


In 6 minutes...

  • 2 minutes on the rowing machine
  • 5 Ring Rows
  • 10 Pass Throughs with a barbell 
  • 15 Banded 'Good-Morning' Stretches 

Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds...
  • 5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts 

9-Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible):
  • 3 Hang Power Snatches 
  • 3 Overhead Squats
  • 3 Pull-Ups
  • 6 Hang Power Snatches 
  • 6 Overhead Squats
  • 6 Pull-Ups 
For the conditioning workout, make sure you double the amount of reps for each movement every time you finish a round. 

The hardest part of this workout was the conditioning by far. In 9 minutes, we had to do all of those movements as many times as we could and the repetitions were doubled each time we finished a round. When the clock ended, I was in the middle of completing 12 repetitions for each movement. 

I did not have much to stress about this week and it has been very refreshing to be able to take some time to just workout and complete some assignments that have been lingering over my head. Yet, when I do not have much going on, I tend to go stir crazy. What has been nice about the gym is that it has gotten me out of the house to get my heart rate up this week and break up my day. Without these CrossFit classes, I would probably be sleeping in way too late or putting lots of things off until the last minute. In my opinion, accountability is key to success. I love having a solid routine in my day-to-day life, and CrossFit classes are always the highlight of my day. 

Stay tuned for my favorite workout next week and thanks for reading!

